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Posts posted by iloveyou64

  1. Hi everybody, My dad consumes 46 bottles of beer a week, and he neglects me, i called the police on him once and he knew the policemen who came to the house they stuck up for him and said hes aloud to hit me as long as he doesnt break my bones because he is also a policeman and its hard to bust him! He hits me so much, it seems like he looks for reasons to yell at me ignore me and hit me. He took away from me my computer my phone, im at a friends house now who has been helping me and knows about my childhood and my father, i knock on his door and he ignores me, and he throws things at me. it sucks!! My step brother hates me so in that case i cant move in with my step mom, my mother hasnt driven for 3 years shes an addict so she isnt much of an option that i would want to consider anyways.I hate knowing that i can't look up to my dad knowing he doesn't care about me. I dread coming home everyday after school because im too worried he had too many to drink. I don't want to live my life like this its horrible! My dad doesn't even care about my health when ever i don't feel good he won't take me to a doctor, i also have acne all over my back, and arms my dad won't take me to a dermatoligist. My dad doesn't say a word to me ever, unless he wants to yell at me. I can't live like this my life is being ruined because of him!! i beg you all to help me out please help me!

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