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Posts posted by Crwnryl_13

  1. Thank you very much for your assistance, but there is nothing that she can do legally because there is no real prove, in court this would be just hear say and this has happened before but people just turn the other way. Another girl was given the opportunity to quit and had to sign a non disclosure agreement.

    Really messed up, thank again but this one will have to be dealt the old fashion way.




    No worries is all taken care of.

  2. curiosity is something that can get us in tourble some times. One thing that you should remember si that you got married for a reason, on that day that you got married you would have donne anything for your relationship.

    My wife and I were in a similar situation and if you have tried talking but no one is listening is because the communication is not there. If your relationship is worth saving then sit down and TALK it out, if you feel this way perhaps your husband feels the same way he just does not know how to aproach the situation.

    Once you start communicating you will develop a stronger relationship and believe me sex will be great, if you know exactly what your partner likes or dislikes its just amazing, believe me.

    The way I look at my relationship is that my wife is my best friend, If I cannot trust her then who should I trust......... life is not an easy ride, you need some one to be there when you need an extra hand.

    But if it does not work out then you will at least know that you tried....and look for that special one if this one is not.

  3. Thanks for the quick renponse, the thing is that this guy is a manager and he is not her direct manager, he is a director or a big shot, my wife just changed careers and this is the crap she gets. Just tonight after I posted this message he called asking her to call him.


    To be honest I just want to call this guy but I will let her do the calling , like I said I was at his house today and thank God he was not there otherwise I don't know what I would have donne. From what I found out is that this is not hte first time this guy has donne this sort of thing, one of my wifes co-workers quit about a month ago because of this guy.


    Let me tell you.....I am finding it hard to control myself....are we back in the sixties when man could do what ever they wanted because of their status in the company????


    Believe me my wife is a real nice girl and I cannot stand having some one disrespecting her, we have two kids together and I know that this guy, the first thing he would do is hide behind his wife or the cops if I showed up...you know the type!!!


    thanks alot !!!!! please keep the messages coming I REALLY APRECIATE THEM!!!

  4. My wife has this suppervisor that she was meeting for lunch meetings to get to know the company and see if she could move up in the food chain. since she was new she did not know about this guy. My wife is very pretty and very respectful.

    I guess the guy (he is way older, My wife's dads age) got the wrong idea and one day left a message for my wife to bring something special to a lunch meeting. My wife did not know what he meant so she left him a message asking what he wanted.

    Let me mention that my wife is in sales and she works from home, so she is always on the road and usually lunch meetings are the way her and co-workers meet.

    When my wife finally spoke to him on the phone, he asked her to wear something special, my wife did not know what to do so she just hang up and did not speak to him, but now the guy keeps on leaving messages on the phone asking her to call him.

    My wife told me about this and does not know what to do. I found out the guys number and address, I went by his house but he was not there, I think that was a good thing. I am thinking about calling him and telling him to apologize to my wife and to stop calling her, but my wife does not want to burn bridges.

    Me as a guy, I just want beat the crap out of this guy, but I dont know what to do.

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