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Posts posted by insecureguy2

  1. Thanks for the comments. At times, I feel like I have nothing to say and that my non-talkative nature will result in awkward silence. I would love to ask her out to the movies or whatever but I feel like it would be awkward and boring for her. Also I feel like sometiems I don't get the vibes that she wants to do anything with me. I don't know I'm jsut so confused and wish I could be more aggressive in my appraoch and become more ocnfident in myself. Jeez so difficult

  2. Ok I've been friends with this girl at my church for about 2 months. We talk in person and through AIM, occasionally texts. We are both very silly and like to have funny convos, i'm very random and spontaneous and she likes that I think. Well, its getting to the point where I need to always be random and I can never seem to initiate a serious convo that will turn it a notch. I like her, I like her personality and how she looks. I don't get nervous around her as much I used to be, but sometiems I think she likes me and sometimes she doesn't acknowledge me. She might be playing games with me. Because when I try to see if she'll notice me, she always nudges/punches me. Sometiems when we talk she doesnt' look at me, almost like shes scared to. I might be reading too much into this but on AIM and stuff she initiates convos all the time. How can I show her that i like her more than a friend is basically what i'm asking...what kind of topics can I pursue, my mind is getting pretty dry (sometimes i go blank when i talk to her and other girls in general) Thanks sorry for the long post hope ya'll can help

  3. Hey people.


    I bet my situation is pretty common but I really need some wise words. Well, I have two types of personalities, outgoing when with small group of friends and very shy and introverted when in a large group or in a foreign situation. My friends would consider me to be funny and pretty outgoing but when i enter new situations its almost night and day. I grow overly shy when im around girls and guys who are seemingly more popular than I. I'm naturally pretty introverted and sometimes i become speechless when trying to hold a conversation with anyone even my friends. I gues waht i want to do is to open up and to approach anybody and hold a decent conversation without making an arss of myself. It sounds easy but its terribly difficult for me. I need help, i don't think this a good way to be. Thanks in advance.

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