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Posts posted by MaverickBeast

  1. ok, i have been going out with my girlfriend for three months, were both in high school and i'm not ashamed to say that i'm worried about other guys trying to be with her, despite the fact that they know i'm here and would destroy them. She is honestly the most beautiful girl i have ever met and i love her, but lately she's been acting like shes still single on some occasions, like she tells me today that she was thinking about going to a guys strip poker party....she tells ME this like i'm not supposed to be mad, and she keeps telling me that she has cute guys in her other classes and it drives me insane!! what is that supposed to mean? i dont want to break up with her over this but i dont know what to do...ive told her as calmly as possible that i think she shouldnt be doing this and she seems to understand for the moment...but then she does this crap and i'm tearing my hair out over it.


    thanks for reading it if you did and i'd greatly appreciate any advice you guys have to offer

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