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Posts posted by Twink

  1. Thanks for all your concern. I believe his parents didn't want him to marry me because they felt like they were loosing him. When I met him, he had never brought home a girl, nor had really had a gf. Before me he was secretive with girls, and was sort of a player. He was close with his parents when he was young, but before me their relationship went south, so it was easy to blame it on me. They believe that I am bad for him, and he has stood up for me. I hated seeing the fights, but they were necessary. He told them that he loves me and they do not know me.

    I know his commitment is high.


    Still he does not want to marry cuz of the stress from last time. He doesn't want to go through that again. i have reassured him that no one will fight (as the relationship w parents is getting better), but it does not work.


    Maybe he is scared because I was his only really gf and main sexual partner. He had only had sex once before me.


    What hurts is that I have to look at this awesome engagement ring in my jewlery box that i cannot wear!! The two year insurance even expired!


    How long should a person wait???


    Thanks to everyone

  2. Hello all. I am ashamed even asking this, as i feel it is somewhat pathetic that i am relying on a man to fulfill me, but here goes..


    I am 24 years old and I have been with my bf (24) for 4 years and we have lived together for 3 1/2 years. After living together for almost a year he proposed to me. I said yes and for a month and a half we were engaged.

    After that, his parents began to fight with me and him about it. they even refused to come at one point. It got intense and I moved out.


    We got back together a week later and decided not to talk about the marriage again.... Well that was 2 and1/2 years ago and he still says that he isn't ready. The fights with his family were bad. they did not like me and told him so. I tried very hard to get them to like me...homeade bday cakes, homemade presents etc... It peaked and now they appear to like me or at least tolerate me.

    As a couple we are very happy, but when a wedding is on t.v or a friend gets married(as is happening more) he freaks out still! He doesn't even want to associate with friends that are married now!

    I know he feels really bad about hurting me and I also know he really cares for me. I just feel like I have been demoted. I have told him my feelings, but it gets us no where. as long as a wedding isn't brought up we r ok. I love him and I want to get married like we originally planned.


    Will he ever ask me again???? Please help!!!


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