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Posts posted by Dave23

  1. I compliment and tell her i love her all the time,

    It is harder than that, she used to be chubby as a child but when she asked how she looked people lied to her and sed she looked gr8. So now even, tho she has worked so hard and is absolutely gorgeous, she wont take compliments. I need to do something bigger, so there is no doubt in her mind how i feel, and to make her feel better about herself

  2. Here is my problem, I have been going out with a brilliant attractive girl, who keeps putting herself down. Most of the time she is smart and funny but every once and a while she becomes paranoid that she isnt pretty enough, skinny enough ect... How can i make her feel special and make her see what i see in her?


    I know it is probaly normal for all girls to want to be that little bit better but I want to help her out, and although she thinks that she isnt pretty, I want her to believe me when i tell her that she is. I need to build up her confidence but i have no idea how


    plz help

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