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Posts posted by wibdot

  1. There is this girl at work who has just started talking to me out of no where. When I first saw her about one and a half months ago, we had a few glances at each other and only made brief statements toward each other (usually relating to work).Recently, she broke up with her boyfriend. When I ask why, she explained that she received a call a from a girl that was looking for him.I replied with a passive comment saying that "you have no real evidence" and then added "thats a lame excuse to break to up with your boyfriend ". before I knew it, the casual conversation exploded into passionate exchange in which she laid down other reasons that she broke up with him (Her mood was more humorous than anger). From that day forward our relationship (at work) has grown beyond mere co-worker.


    Everytime I come to work she happy to see me and wants me to work with her. Since our type of job requires more work demand fron guys than girls, she gets mad when the manager calls me away.


    -She gets mad when management give me too many days off, especially days when she works.


    -We joke on other people and the managers together. We laugh togther alot.


    -She bumps into me, punches me, touches me on my arms, shoulders and back. she playfights with me alot to.


    -When I talked to her about taking another girl to a famous comedy club. She says playfully says "Should have took me"


    -She playfully abuses me verbally. When I respond she playfully says "who you thinks you talkin to", "shut the hell up", "I'll beat the crap out of you" or "watch your mouth".


    -She says that she likes how I talk sophistically, with proper english.She hates it when I speak "ghetto" even though most of her friends speak it

    (Were both black, I have a bad habit of speaking "ghetto" and speaking "white" interchangeably, she hates it when I do this)


    -When she says "leave me alone" and then I walk off, she says "come here" in a sad voice.


    -When I go home early she wants me to wait for her so we can walk together to the trainstation.


    -She asks me personal questions that are outside of work.


    -I am the only guy she does this to.



    Clearly we enjoy each other company and observers might conclude that she is at least interested in me.But as the sayings goes "there is more than meets the eye".There are other things that she does that seemingly points to the direction of friendship.Futhermore, she displays behavior that might be diminishing me as a person.


    She sometimes doesnt like it when I compliment her on how she looks. She says things like dont look at me Other times she smiles and says "thank you" in a sweet voice.


    She says that she is "bored" when I am not around.

    Does she want me around just to entertain her or does she genuinely enjoy my company?


    She make comments like " I think you fantasizing about me when you look at me, I dont like that"





    There is not another story twist to this story. There is another boy called Jay, at my job that likes her, and has admitted to her that he does. She tells me that he is always calling her late at night and doesnt carry good conversation. She says that she doesnt have same feeling for him.

    Despite what she says she still does calls him and at work, puts Jay in the in the Jokes. For Example

    "Stop playing with me before I call my man Jay...................... OK, I am sorry, just playing with U".



    She is a wild girl, almost a direct opposite to myself. I dont Know how she feels about me

    ANY Body have any Ideas, suggestions or comments. Please anything would Help


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