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Posts posted by blackadder76

  1. Here is my story, I am 27 years old, my ex girlfriend is 34 years old, we were going out together for 15 months, she ended it with me 3 months ago saying that she needed time out from our relationship, During our relationship she would frequently break off all contact from me for a week at a time then get back in touch with me.

    She has 4 kids ranging from 15 down to 3 years old and she also suffers from depression. She had an unhappy childhood and two other major relationships which ended up in bad ways. She gets little help with the children.

    When we first split up she said I could still come round and visit her and the kids, she said that she didn't love me, since then she says that she does love me but not in that way.

    At the moment I am spending the same amount of time with her as I did when I was going out with her and we get along o.k. apart from when we go out, things are fine to start with but when we have both had a lot to drink, she tries to get off with other men infront of me then I react badly and we end up having a full blown shouting match, however every time she rings up the next day and is full of apologies inviting me over again.

    It came to a head a few weeks ago when after a few drinks she took this lad who is about 22 home, her son who is 15 went mad and chucked him out, the next day my ex apologised but said I was in the wrong and things would have been ok if I hadn't kicked up a fuss,

    What I want to know is that is there any future in this ?

    I know she is confused about how she feels about me, in what way can i help her become less confused but to my advantage?

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