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Posts posted by jsm

  1. All I have told her is that we should wait until she makes up her mind about the two of us, and I am not sure if she would see me as a "rebound", she probably thinks that if she stops it now, then that's it, it's over with me.


    My honest feeling is that if things don't work out with this guy early on, then I would be happy to take her back because I love her. However, I that happened I would feel that she is not commited to me 100% and the same thing could happen again, so I am not sure whether it would work out.


    On the other hand, if she decides to go with this other guy I would like to remain her friend but keeping some distance.


    I will keep the NC rule until she decides what to do, although she may be talking to this other guy in the meantime, and I am worried that she may think now this other guy cares for her and asks her how it goes while she sees me as completely ignoring her.

  2. Thanks for your advice.


    I was supposed to accompany her on a long trip she has to do to exchange he car. Then after our NC decision, I though she would have to do it on her own.


    But now I am thinking of sending an email offering myself to accompany anyway without talking about the issues if she doesn´t want to talk about them.


    However, still not sure whether I should leave her alone until she contacts me, but then that might be too late...

  3. After having been going out with my girlfriend for almost two years, out of the blue she met an old friend she felt atracted for in the past, and now she is confused, she is thinking to dump me for this guy. I am 8 years older than her, and sometimes she accused me of manipulating her, so now I don´t want to interfere, I am applying the no contact rule (it happened only three days ago and it is painful not beeing able to talk to her). We both live away from home, and she needs to decide whether she wants to stay here with me or go back home and have the chance of reaching something with this guy.


    I think she is not sure whether she really loves me or she just needs me and feel a bit lonely so far from home and thereforeeee she needs me, but without love. I don´t know what to do, because normally the no contact rule is applied when one is dumped by their girlfriend/boyfriend, but in this case I am just waiting for her to make up her mind. I don´t want to interfere, but I wonder if this other guy is talking to her and interfering with her feelings, which is not fair.


    I am crazy about her, I have always been but now that we are apart I feel even more strongly about her. Basically, I would be grateful if you could share similar experiences with me and tell me how you think I should proceed... shall I try to talk to her, just wait????


    Thanks a lot.

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