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Posts posted by Zuzii

  1. So thankful for this thread im really starting to lose hope broken up since december after 2 1/2 years together. In the last 4 or so months we've had fights, and gotten in contact for a week at a time, hooked up all the things you shouldnt do, and all my fault the last month i tried really hard and did no contact for a whole month and slowly he started reaching out. We hung out 3 times in the past week he keeps wanting to see me and the first day we saw eachother he was being so sweet, he held my hand said he needed to change some issues, and he knows he loves me and wants to be with me but is scared of messing up. He hasnt forgiven himself up for our break up yet, and i think its easier to go to someone else rather than face rebuilding our relationship. Ive been having so much fun seeing him, but last night he started saying im a friend, and i asked like where is this coming from 3 days ago was so different, and he went back and forth saying im not ready To date you yet i dont wanna ruin us, then saying i know you can find someone who treat you better. i figure alright hes got alot of stuff he needs to deal with thats fine i wanted to take it slow. The only thing that bothers me is i asked him if he wanted to date other people and he said maybe, i dont know if its him being young and wanting to explore or he just doesnt love me but just really really cares about me. So im confused wethere this is just a let see how our relationship develops kinda thing or a sorry but your just a friend for good.I dont know if i should keep hanging out with him since he seems excited to see me everyday and he seems to change his mind alot so maybe thats the mood he was just in last night, or if i should cut off contact. If he just dates fine we are both single but i dont want him to make another girl feel as special as he did me and i know im a good girlfriend but im scared he can find someone else that can make him just as happy. Sorry that ran pretty long thanks to anyone who takes the time to read it and for the sake of positivity on this thread let the record show that he has come back post break up, it takes work, its far from perfect, but he has come wanting me in his life.

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