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Posts posted by sunflowercurls

  1. Day 109:


    I've been terribly busy with moving, job hunting, and school, so I've had no time to update y'all on what's been going on...


    She has continued to text me, but this time in longer sentences. She's now asking me how my life is going, how's school, the whole nine yards. Each and every time she texts me, I ignore her and take screenshots of her being in touch with me, so it's known that she is in fact reaching out to me and not the other way around.


    She has also claimed that she's tried to call me, but my phone never rung. Although, I do think she's dropping some hints that she misses me because there was a picture she put online that insinuated that we'd get back together, but she took it down once she saw that I wasn't answering her messages.


    While I do still think about her on a regular basis, I no longer feel as if I can't live without her.

  2. Day 45:


    She has texted me again. My god she's persistent! I remember her telling me that she always loved a challenge when we were together and NC is proving to be a challenge. I also got another unknown call (wonder who that could be). Until I see a change in her and an apology...I'm staying NC.

  3. Day 39:


    I'm seriously contemplating on whether or not if I should respond to that text. It's just sitting there and calling my name. Then again, I could get upset at her for not respecting my wishes (i.e. reaching out when I'M ready) and that'll remind me of why I went NC to begin with. UGH!!!! So difficult and I miss her still.

  4. Day 37:


    She just texted me, but I didn't respond to it. As much as I wanted to, I didn't. I've made it this far and there's no way in hell that I'm undoing all of my hard work. On the positive side, I do have only the positive memories of her in my head. I'm not angry anymore because I know that she's going to get what's coming to her. I'm a strong believer in karma.


    Stay strong y'all!

  5. Day 35:


    I made the mistake of looking at some pictures of her and now, I've been thinking about her constantly. I haven't reached out and don't plan to, but I can't get her out of my head. I honestly wish that she felt the hurt that I'm feeling. We've been broken up for 2 months now and I'm still a hot mess. When will it be over?

  6. Day 31 officially. I'm feeling a little bit better about NC and she isn't in my head as much as she used to be. Although, I can tell that my NC is getting to her because of her "cryptic" posts and statuses she writes...and to that, I say:

    "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn."


    I've been focusing more on myself and getting back to my true passions. I know that I can only go up from here.

  7. Convince yourself it wasn't her. That it was just a random wrong number or something. As nice as it is to think they're missing you, it's not a good way to think. This is where I am right now: constantly trying to convince myself that the worst case scenario is true. If we always cling to hope, we can never heal.


    Will do! What day of NC are you on?

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