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Posts posted by bianca_01

  1. i have a male friend and we have been friends for 3 yrs, throughout all my relationships he has been single and all up in my business all the time. everytime i get off the phone with him, he ask me who is that, or why r u getting off the phone all the time with me to talk to your man, he calls me and doesn't say anything, just hang on the phone, he called me the other day and said his mom thinks that we should be together and that since we are not together now we will end up together. he also told me that he loves me, the way he said it sounded like more than a friend but he said "u know i love u as a friend", he had to clarify it, cuz i was like huh? so yesterday i got up enough nerve to ask him if he liked me or had feelings for me and he said "man no, u crazy" and he started laughing, but his actions is showing the total opposite, could he be lieing because he is afraid of rejection? help me to understand him please!

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