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Posts posted by Leslie

  1. To make this short I have been off and on with my boyfriend for seven years. We both have children with diifferent people. My child is 1 and his is 3. My biyfriend has not been around my family for at least 5 years because my dad does not like him. Recently my brother got married and i told my dad he would be there. (It wasnt that easy, but he was willing to deal with it.) Anyways he new i wanted him there and decided he had to work on the wedding day and was'nt able to make the wedding but only the reception. He never made that either. I told him if he didnt come i would leave him, he laughed and said i would never leave him. I did. Now i dont know how to handle it. We cant be together if he is not willing to be around my family. I want to just say forget it and get back with him but i really just want to move on. I have'nt reallydated anyone since i have been with him and i guess i am just used to him. I need to get him out of my head!!!! Any Advice?

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