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Entwined Flames

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Posts posted by Entwined Flames

  1. Little tears.

    Tears that burn like acid,

    Tears that stain my face,

    Tears that shower like a waterfall,

    Dripping all over the place.

    Why they fall only I know,

    Once they start they cannot slow,

    Painfully stinging my sky blue eyes,

    Hiding my face as people walk by.

    Turn around and walk away,

    I wish it didn't have to be this way.

    Tears that are bad,

    Tears that are wrong,

    Tears as my heart cries a painfull song.

    Slow tears,

    Dripping, one by one,

    Dry on my face as they run.

    Slowly disappearing into my skin,

    I feel as though, my strength withers thin.

    Fast tears,

    Flowing, on and on,

    Taking the water out of blood,

    Spilling out as I cry for the one I love.

    Hot, burning, stinging tears.

    They will stay with me till the end of my years.

  2. Thanks for the con crit, I know it's not really a poem just thought It was something worth sharing though. This was my first ever attempt which I wrote many years ago, I promise I have improved enough to make my rambling thoughts at least resemble poetry, well sort of.

    Oh one question i have if anyone could be so kind as to answer it for me. I know theres a rule about one topic at a time-does this rule include poetry or does it just refer to subjects/posts where your asking for advice? ta very muchly in advance.

  3. I'm not looking for the perfect man

    I want the perfect man for ME

    And my perfect man

    Can be deliciously flawed

    Guilty of arrogance

    Short tempered


    Sometimes unreasonable

    With scars that he wears proudly

    Upon his face

    That tell a story

    Of past lovers

    Of pain and suffering

    Of a broken heart


    He will challenge me

    Use, and consume me

    Will need me

    But leave the door open

    To set me free

    He will hurt me

    But heal me

    He'll know the taste of my tears

    As intimately

    As the curves on my body

    Leave me to stand alone

    And stand behind me when I need him

    He will lay his mask at my feet

    And bare his heart

    My perfect man is whatever

    Shade he happens to come in

    He needs only to love me

    And accept me

    Without boundaries

  4. Try rubbing a drop of jasmine oil on your wrists and smelling it from time to time. Jasmine can improve your level of energy if your depressed. There are very powerful connections between smell and emotions. Think of how a particular smell can trigger off memories. This can work with other scents, maybe a favourite perfume that holds happy memories for you. Or instead of wearing a scent try taking a hot bath/shower, water is very theraputic in action and can be combined with your favourite scented shower gel or bath essense to give the same effect.


    In general, light and specific colors act as mood modifiers. Some colors stimulate, some colors soothe. Choose a color with which you feel harmonious. Try wearing clothes that make you feel confident in various shades of this colour. Gemstones can be an extension of this if you feel uncomfortable with the clothes idea since gems emit specific colors. Another idea is to use flowers of specific colors, place them around your home or other area's you spend alot of time in. Take a walk in your local park this is a good combination of exercise, fresh air, colors and all important sunlight. Going extreme you could redecorate your room in your colour of choice or if this is too much then accessorise it with items.


    You could also try homeopathic/alternative medicines, aromatherapy, meditation, Bach flower essenses/remedies, EFT freedom by tapping (link removed), yoga, relaxation techniques or Reiki (link removed) although it's best to consulte a professional with some of these methods rather then trying to do them yourself.

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