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Posts posted by livefastorwillinglydie

  1. i dont think its a big deal..long as you control it..dont let it control you...get rid of your scars with vitamin E it will help minimize


    i dont see it as any worse than any other habit..it shows how you feel..its only acctually hurt me once and i wanted it to. try to slow down..give it up for a while just so you know you can control it..if you cant do that..you need to seek a bit of help..a friend whos down so they wont tell on you and make it a big deal


    ..all it is, is publication for the government and medical world to make an enemy and say needs help when its no worse than most other things...

  2. dont cut your wrists..they are out in the open way too often and it is too easy to cut deep, bleed uncontrolably, get caught or have a hard time cleaning it up...good places are theighs, biscep, waists those all can be convered easily...


    excuses could be you ran threw some bushes...fell skateboarding (if you skate) ..during school--got scratched on a desk..ect there are many..hopefully that helped

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