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Posts posted by SoccerGemini

  1. Thanks a lot for all the advice so far! I'm not sure I'll be able to start up a conversation with him by saying I've seen him around, because when I'm around my crushes I'm pretty shy. And orange_blood, I've gone thru a lot of situations like that with my crushes. And dikaia, yes, I do like him, I fell in love with him freshmen year.

  2. There's this guy I fell in love with freshmen year because he sat near me ina class and I liked hearing all the things he said, but I never got around to talking to him. Now I am a senior, and I haven't had any classes with him since, and the only places I ever see him anymore is in the school hallways.


    Our eyes ALWAYS always meet when we pass each other, and I've noticed him following me sometimes and darting accross the halls when I walk out before him so he can walk behind me... he does it every time. One time, I saw him go into the counseling office in the discussion room and he started flipping through the school counselor's binder that had everyone's career plan sheet in it, and he stopped when he found mine, and he was staring at it. One or two of my friends have classes with him, so I know which hallways he should be in, but I see him walking down MY classroom halls and he always tries to walk down them when I do. I've never even talked to him! But he has ways of finding out stuff about me because I have classes with his friends, and they can tell him things I've said in class, etc. How do I get to know this guy? It's not like I can just strike up a conversation in the hallway!

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