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Posts posted by Kay284

  1. Here's the situation:


    I've been friends with this girl for several years now and I want to take it to the next level. I want to have a loving relationship, not just a friendship. We trust each other with everything, talk about our problems, and help each other through the hard times in life. We are each others best friend.


    I have seen her struggle several times in past relationships with your typical "Jerk Boyfriend". And of course, I am the person she falls back to for support so I can put her back on her feet and go out with Jerk Boyfriend #2. What I would like for her to realize is that I am the person that she is looking for. I am the guy thats always going to be there for her and to treat her with respect.


    Problem is, how do I go about taking it from a best friend relationship to a dating situation? I need this, she means to much to me, I dont like sitting back and watching this wonderful person ruin her "love life" with people that dont even know how to treat a woman.


    Thanks in advance,


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