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Posts posted by upset80

  1. hello. i been dating this girl for four years i'm 22 now shes turing 21. one we one day last september she decided to break up with me. we split up for 4 months during that time she met someone new in collge and started dating him. we started talking and got back together. that was in december. by april she decided to break off again she said she didn't feel the same way she used to. end of may she saw this same guy her last day off school she started talking to him again. end of june she was totally confused she told me she missed me so much and didn't know who she wanted to be with. well she chose him. i didn't talk to her for 6 months i recently made contact with her. she says she is happy in her realtionship she moved to another school and eveything is going good. she say she thinks of me a lot and hopes i'm doing well. she never mentions missing me but my parents and friends she says she misses. so i figure she just don't wanna tell me she misses me. now we started talkin over email and i went to her work to see her. she says alot of things remind me of her still. when she smells colonges it feels like i'm with her. she even looks for me sometimes. she sneakly talks to me behind the new guys back. i received christmas cards and birthday cards from her. she always mentions just being friends and she don't wanna hurt me anymore. she say she don't know about the future between us. then at some point she'll mention movin on. she gets jealous if i mention a girl. i love her so much but i'm thinkin my time has come to really move on. i was her first boyfriend. when she left me in april, "she sad its sounds weird but i think this has to happen for us to be together in the future". but i seems like that went out the window. her birthday is coming up i don't know if i should even send a card. my friends and faimly seem to think shes still confused. it hurts hear to see and hear from me. she sometimes even crys over my letters. what should i do i want her back. anyone been in a sistuation like this?

    please i need some advice to anyone who read through this thank you so much

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