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Posts posted by Mushyheart421

  1. Hi Mushy, I was once like that with an ex bf. I left him because at one point I felt that everything was getting stale. I dated another guy after that (not that quick though) and after some time I just missed my ex. So I broke up with the new guy and went back to my ex. He was over me by then, so I got my heart broken.


    That being said, it is possible, but please know that each case is different. There's no point following whatever trend or statistics.


    cool i agree it happens but did you notice something common in all those scenarios? it's always women who break up. when its a guy who breaks up the chances are close to zero that they will get back together and it will be successful come back. firstly maybe ts because a guy has to more decisive about his actions and then when they reconcile, its way harder for a woman to trust again knowing that the guy left her. she needs to feel secure. pity it never worked for me, i always seems to love more than the guy and hes the one that dumps me...



    I completely disagree with what you just said. Women spend more time on making their decisions and check out long before the relationship is ever over. Men usually just get bored and if you use no contact, better yourself and actually try and move on they will eventually come back and realize what they are missing. Women replace quick and fall in love again even faster making it harder for all that same stuff to work. If you read this forum you'll see the odds for guy dumpers returning out weighs girl dumpers returning. Anythings possible but that's just what I have seemed to notice. I'd love to be proven wrong and return with my own story. I've better myself with huge leaps and bounds and still am in no contact and so should you.

  2. Overall the trend seems to be the guy coming back after dumping the girl. There are Far less stories of females coming back and most of them return quickly after the break up within a few months. I wish someone out there had a story of the girl leaving and quickly dating another guy, being extremely happy with that guy then breaking up with that guy for an ex. All of the replies have been because the guy cheated and then the girl just ran back to something familiar but nothing about missing the love. Can anyone relate?

  3. Ex's do come back! Look at Lebron James returning to the Cavaliers lol. All

    Kidding aside I think after reading a lot of these stories. Men come back way more often than women and in either sense you have to improve yourself first. I hope to one day be able to return with my own success story with my ex.


    Bumpp more stories of getting lovers back

  4. Bump!!


    My ex and I have been broke up with little contact for about 4 months now. She never initiates but waves when she sees me and usually responds if I text her but she can go 3 weeks without us speaking. I was the dumpee an She immediately started searching for a new relationship. After our BU about 1-2 months in she found a sweet guy that "treats her like gold" which is what she wanted. In all these stories I have noticed its way more common for guys to come back after being the dumper and jumping into new relationships. Is there any stores of ex girlfriends returning?


    And not to take this off topic I have a story of a manager of mine she recently told me. I don't know all the details but she dated her bf for 4 years they broke up for a full year where he hated her. I know she didn't date during that period but they somehow got back together and have been married for 15 years with a daughter. They are one of the happiness couples I've seen.

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