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Posts posted by Hafa2win

  1. I everyone, this is my first post. I have been involved in a long distance relationship 1200 miles. We are doing everything right. We respect each other, we are only seeing each other. We talk everynight, text message during the day, email everyday and know exactly what the other one is doing and with whom. We are both older (30's) and knew from the beginning that we were going to sacrafices and challenges. But we have always worked them out. It has now been a year and both or our pocket books have taken a beating flying back and forth to see each other. so the trips are beginning to be least frequent. The logical solution would be one of us has to move in order for us to test being with each other more frequently. Well here is the issue, while I have no problem moving (we work for the same company), I am a single mother, with a mortgage on a house I share with my sister, I would have to try and tranfer or find another job and move without help. He is in a job that makes a lot more, he does not have to work from where he is, but ro move up in the company, he may need to stay there, he has never been married and no children and lives in an apartment. He is from where I am and his family is still here. sound simple, well he absolutely loves it where he is and does not really want to come back to where I am. I can not see any other way? If the relationship is going to work we need to be in the same city....any thoughts?

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