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Posts posted by rlhuk

  1. F me. I caved and looked at facebook. I hate that damn site.


    She just connected with his dad and he's thanking her for making his son "a happy boy" and she says "he's a great man".


    Just get married and have kids already so I have no more things to dread.


    Yeah I know it's my own damn fault. I WANT them to be happy. I just... still hurt I guess that she didn't think I was great enough. I know it's not that simple. Trying to bounce back again. I'm already doing a bit better a couple hours later.


    Next time I'm going to post on here before I look. Maybe that will stop me.



    oh mate, do you not have her blocked on there? If not, you should, and him too, for your own sanity! x

  2. Since we're at baby steps... Exchanged a few texts with X in the past few days after a couple of weeks of silence and he suggested we meet up. We've made plans for drinks tomorrow and I guess we'll see how that goes. Any tips?


    Yeah, don't lose your head! Try and keep things casual and fun, no heavy conversations or talk about the past. Don't get emotional (if you can help it). Don't go home with him because unless he says he wants to get back with you, sleeping together is gonna rip you apart even more.


    Good luck, keep us posted!!


    PS it looks like I'm still here, wanna keep up to date with you guys!

  3. Hi guys,


    Looks like I'm leaving this thread (and not coming back I hope), as after seeing each other at the weekend and lots of declarations of love etc, he told me that he wants to start seeing each other again and see how it goes. I'm completely shocked tbh, I've been wanting to hear him say that for the last 2 years and never thought he would.


    Thanks for all your support, it's been so helpful to me. Hang in there lovelies


    Wish me luck x

  4. It's time to stop kidding myself and start this challenge.


    Basic background I was with my ex girlfriend for 3 and a bit years. She ended it just under 2 months ago but we have still occasionally texted and been giving me mixed messages. And meeting to exchange stuff.


    I think she knows I want her back but I guess my mind frame today is that I need to stop torturing myself with thoughts we'd get back together.


    Going to be a bit difficult as she is good friends with my step sister (we live together) and will pop round occasionally to see her.


    Long road ahead but I have to start at some point. Day 1




  5. Day 11 NC- Started NC again after a relapse which I agreed to meet with my ex and then realized that I had to tell her the truth and say If you aren't planning on reconciling and want to be purely platonic friends, I can't do it. This caused a stupid little fight and the blame was put on me. I went NC that day and feel like I'm starting from scratch... Ugh, this week has been tough for some reason. I want to talk to her really bad, but we want two different things and it's a lost cause. Will talking to her really make my life seem much better? Probably not. I know I have to keep working on myself and forget all about her.



    I had to do the same thing, it's bloody hard but you can do it. Hang in there x

  6. Day 47:


    It's receeded a bit again. I'm over halfway to the 85 days NC I got to before. I need AT LEAST 3/4 months I think. But, there is a night on next month that I'm going to,and I know he will be there. It's going to be hard, there's no animosity between us so I hope if I blank him (which I will try my very best to do) he won't think there's something wrong. I know it will upset him. It's going to be so hard being in the same room as him.


    I didn't think about him excessively over the weekend though. Keep on going!

  7. Day 43:


    Still thinking about him. WHY has it all come back again? Not crying or anything just feeling sad and whistful and generally pathetic.


    I think one day, not any time soon, we will be able to be friends. I really hope so because he is the best person I have EVER met and I'd love to be able to meet up and do stuff with him. He is respecting my NC wish at the moment which shows that he respects me, which I already knew tbh. I also know he finds it hard not having me in his life, but I'm not sure whether that is because he wants me as an emotional crutch (unintentionally, because he hasn't got a underhand bone in his body) or because he actually misses me as a person.


    Hopefully one day things will be simpler.

  8. Day 25:


    Had to take a sleeping pill last night. My head was full of thoughts about him and I was getting all tearful.


    Very depressed today but I think that's more due to the fact I've had a very heavy weekend and spent all day yesterday feeling sorry for myself and wishing there was someone there to cuddle me.



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