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Posts posted by Brookieee96

  1. i was dating this guy last april and he left me for his ex girlfriend and it's been a year and a half later and he messaged me the other day asking me to hangout so I did and I could tell he was interested in me and wanted me back but I said "well you had your chance" and I am no longer interested in him. Goes to show people do come back!


    I have read most of the posts on here and they're really comforting because I'm hoping one day my most recent ex will come back to me, our relationship was amazing, we're perfect for eachother but then he went into the military and we broke up 4 months ago because long distance is tough and he's going through a lot of stress and made it clear he wanted to be alone until he comes back. We have had strict NC for about 3 months. He said he wanted to be with me when he gets back in october so I hope he hasn't changed his mind! Hoping I can one day post my reconciliation story on on here!

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