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Posts posted by BeesPerplexed

  1. I love this idea, this is just what I need no contact is very hard when you are still in Love with someone, especially when that someone won't leave you alone.


    I gave you so many chances and you pooped on them, nothing I did was ever enough. I will never be enough, my kids will never be enough, and visions of a future together will never be enough. Your mind will always wonder whats the next best thing. I Love you but I can't take the pain anymore. Stop contacting me I want to rid myself of you. I so hope to God I am not pregnant I can't imagine having to be tied for life to a lying cheater like you. I HATE that I put myself in a situation to be fooled time and time again by someone like you. YOU ARE NOT WORTH IT, I deserve better. I don't know how special the other relationships were but we had enough special/ spiritual moments and connections for you to value what you had in front of you. I can't make you change, only God can help you. Pay your $90 every month and we will have nothing more to discuss. I don't want you…. I don't want you….. I don't want you.

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