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Posts posted by maddione

  1. I need your help! My husband has a very close work friend (girl) who he often goes to her first before even confronting me about his issues and they have an extremely close relationship. We have been married for 10 months and initial she did not bother me until recently when many occurrences have happened and really made me think about their relationship. A few months ago she told him that she was having martial problems with her husband and that there was someone that she works with that she could of pursued a relationship with, but didn't try (and deep down inside I think she is referring to my husband). Than he often compares me to her with wearing make-up and he even asked me why I don't pull my hair back (like she does). They constantly talk on instant messager all day and I know they are not just talking about work ( they are talking about personnel things that I have no idea). Last week I was on his computer and she instant messaged him and said "hey rooster- it's the chick", so now I find they have nick names for each other? Also, they often go out after work (not alone, but with other co-workers) and I can't stand the fact of him going out with her! I confronted him about her and he says I am just jealous and I need to drop it. I know I am jealous, but I don't know what to do? They clearly have more than just a "working relationship"!!

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