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Posts posted by kiara17

  1. Day 16 NC

    Today was okay, I was busy at work and kept myself busy whilst at home. Part of me still hopes he'll contact me, and then another part of me doesn't. I hope I'm able to get over this soon, it's hard wanting two different things. I know I need to move on, but part of me wants to wait.

  2. Day 14 NC


    Days are slowly getting better. I'm starting to accept the situation. As much as I want to hear from him, I also don't, as I know it will set me back and put me in a funk again. I know that everything happens for a reason, and as much as i don't like it, this had to happen too. I know things will get better in time, just have to keep reminding myself of that.

  3. Day 12 NC


    I didn't think I would make it this long, almost two full weeks! My goal is 30 days and then whatever happens from there is his choice. I refuse to contact him first. He comes home today from vacation, so today I'm kind of anxious. Hopefully I won't be tempted to message him now that I can...fingers crossed! I'm hoping since I made it this long then I can keep going, this thread is also really helping me too

  4. Day 11 NC


    I'm getting nervous as he returns from his vacation tomorrow. Part of me hopes he contacts me and the other part doesn't cuz I don't think I'm strong enough for breadcrumbs yet. I really just wanna focus on myself and healing so I'm not sure what I'd do if/when he contacts me. I don't think he will for awhile but he's surprised me in the past...

  5. Day 10


    So I cheated today and looked at his FB, bad I know and of course it made me feel worse cuz it showed how much fun he was having while on vacation. He doesn't look upset at all, this makes me wonder if he's already over it, and that thought kills me inside. I feel like today is not gonna be a good day since I did that. I know that I should know better than to look at his page, it's just so hard not to. I wonder if he really is happier without me? I hate how I'm going through all this pain and he gets to go on having fun loving life. Everything seems really unfair right now. Today is a depressing kind of day

  6. MKEC94, I understand how your feeling, the whole one step forward, two steps back thing. It can be the smallest triggers that send you over the edge and it all comes crashing down. But I feel in time that will go away. It's true that there's no good time for a break up, but I feel your situation is so tough cuz so many things are happening in your life! Give yourself a pat on the back for being so strong and not completely breaking down keep doing what your doing and it'll get better!

  7. Day 9 NC

    Today is a weird day. I'm starting to look back on my life when I was in the relationship and think it's weird how fast my life changed. It almost seems like a distant memory, which I don't like. I don't like feeling like this cuz I feel like I'm starting to get over it. And I know everyone says you have to, but it's scary, and I keep thinking to myself, is he feeling this way too? Does he feel weird this way? Or is he happier with his new life? It's a little hard to accept nothing will ever be the same, even if we were to get back together, so much has changed since we broke up, it would be like a totally different relationship; which I guess could be good or bad. Regardless, still not loving this thought process, though I know it must take place in order to heal. Just a weird feeling...

  8. Day 8 of NC

    I don't know how many of you believe in intuition, but I feel that I have always had strong intuition/feelings that come out of nowhere. My mom and sister get it too, and sometimes it's freaky how accurate it is. It comes out of nowhere too, random things happen and you just know what's gonna happen.


    Well last night I went to sleep a little sad - as per usual - feeling hopeless and such, but still fell asleep. Then, I woke up at 4 in the morning randomly, jolted out of bed and knew he was going to come back. I just knew. There was no prior thought, just happened. The same thing happened when my dad passed away, I randomly started crying for no reason the night before and knew something bad was gonna happen. Weird right? I understand false hope from a broken heart, but this felt different.


    Now I know for a fact he'll come back, but the question now is, will I take him back? My last ex came back but it was already too late, this ex would have to make some serious changes for me to even reconsider it. I'm glad I've gotten to the point to know that I wouldn't just take him back immediately, it would require a lot of thought and sincerity from his part. I know that I'm worth something more than to be with someone who's not quite sure. Until he's absoultely sure, there's no way in hell. Because I know how valuable I am, and how I'm worth someone better. Day 8 is looking up! NC really does help also no more FB stalking!

  9. It's day 9 and I have text #2 from him. Like the first, it's cheerful, closes a loop he imagines open, and does not require a response. I've deleted, not responding. I'm not interested in being his friend. His presence prevents me from being in need of anyone else. I can not pursue my future with him attached to any part of me.


    Good for you for not texting back! I feel like I wouldn't be that strong I really hope in time I can be more like you. I'm having mixed feelings today, some good ones and bad ones. This forum and people like you are really helping tho! Makes me realize I'm not in this totally alone

  10. Focusing on other things is good for all of us, but I know how hard it is.


    I am doing college homework tonight and keep getting distracted by thoughts of KC, what he's up to, does he even think about me, why have I never heard from him, has he met someone new, blah blah blah, I could keep typing all night. I come here to ENA for a lift, but sometimes that isn't always a good thing either. So I try to text a friend that I know will say something supportive. It's better than stalking his FB.


    So how am I feeling tonight? Distracted but still trying....


    Good plan! I've been trying to make plans with as many people as possible, going out and doing things has really helped me take my mind off of it. It's also nice to talk with other friends about the whole situation and gain some perspective. I looked at his FB today - I know bad - but there was nothing new on it so that kind of made me feel better. I know I need to stop doing that but it's sooo hard! I'll be glad when I'm back in college in the fall so I have work to keep me busy, I'm glad you have other things to focus on. Helps the time go by, and the healing go faster

  11. Day 7 of NC, I feel a little pessimistic today. Everything and everyone is bothering me and I'm just in an overall bad mood I'm hoping today just goes by quickly and is over fast. I'm tired of my emotions fluctuating so much. It's been hard to go through this knowing he's on vacation enjoying himself, seems unfair. But I'm thinking this time apart from each other is good cuz it gives us time to step back and breathe, and really think about everything. I am working a lot more than usual, but it's good money for when I go back to school. Gotta keep looking on the bright side

  12. I think they do say things because they are trying to be nice, and they don't want to hurt us. I also think that the good ones don't give false hope. When I went through my D, my exH gave a lot of breadcrumbs. It was a confusing roller coaster ride for months. It was painful, but at least I could tell that he was torn. I wouldn't classify him as one of the good ones, more lost and selfish.


    I don't know which is worse, seeing that they are torn, or the silence. Ouch, they both hurt!


    Congrats on making Day 6! It gets easier, and I promise that better times are ahead!


    Yes, the confusion he has is definitely making things harder! But I'm going to continue trying to forget about his false hope, even tho he says he doesn't wanna give me false hope, certain things he says gives me that hope anyways. I honestly feel like he is very confused about what he wants, but I'm realizing that even if he wanted me back, he would really have to prove to me he wanted a commitment before I even considered it! I don't want to be with someone who's not entirely sure. I'm glad he's on vacation right now in the states, cuz I'm here in Canada and I'm not able to contact him, so there's not even a temptation glad we all have each other here to support one another!

  13. I feel the same way; if I saw him with another girl, that would be a deal breaker. No turning back no matter how much he apologized. I know some people can get past that but I don't think I could; especially since he said he wants time to himself, and that when he's ready or changes his mind he would think of getting back with me first. But I wonder if he says that just to be nice? I don't think he would tho, he doesn't like promising false hope so I trust what he says. But FB is awful for breakups, part of me wishes we didn't have it! Oh well; day 6 of offical NC and it was a harder day. I'm holding out for better times ahead.

  14. I am happy that you've come to that realization IThinkICan, I feel like I'm on my way there too. I also know how being up late can make you do things not in your right mind, I would find myself looking at his FB page constantly, but now I've stopped that, cuz it just makes me more upset even if anything isn't posted; I just stay away from FB altogether right now. I'm glad he's away on vacation that way I'm not tempted to text or call him.

    My counsellor session was good, it's good to get it all out with someone who isn't biased like my friends or family. I would strongly suggest going for anyone in this situation. I feel after talking to her and my mum that this breakup was supposed to happen right now. I've dealt with a lot in my life, and I feel like I've lost who I was. For whatever reason, this breakup has woken me up from whatever I was in, and I feel I can truly be myself. things are looking up today - day 4. I know I'll have my bad days still, but I'll cherish today and how I'm feeling right now.

  15. I'm glad you can realize that and let go. For me it's not that simple I've been through break ups before, and this one definitely feels different to me, like unfinished. I know that sounds like false hope but something is telling me it's just not finished yet with him. I think he's at a point in his life where he needs to figure out who he is, and maybe he can't handle having a GF by his side. As good as our time together was, for now it's over, but I don't believe for good. I've tried to let go and tried to give up and move on this past month, but something keeps telling me to have hope. I kind of hope this feeling goes away, so I can heal instead of wait around. It's day 3 official NC for me, and it's hard. Going to a counsellor today, hopefully that helps.

  16. Yes IThinkICan, it's hard to come to that realization and yet still have a bit of hope, at times you feel there will one day be a chance, and other times you think there's no way in hell. I think to get through this, we need to support one another and prove to everyone, including ourselves and our exes, that this too shall pass, and we'll emerge as stronger people. If it's meant to be, it will happen

  17. I'm back to NC day 2 now we broke up almost 3 weeks ago, saw eachother last week to get our stuff back, and had been doing well with NC after that. Then he phones me 2 nights ago asking where his passport was and if I had it (he was leaving for Hawaii the next morning, typical of him to leave this until the last minute), so I had to find it and give it to him. That whole situation brought up feelings again and I feel like I'm back at square one I'm scared I won't make any progress with this; I want to stay positive that things will work out since we ended on good terms and I feel like he's confused - you can read my thread on my page if you want - but it's so hard to part of me feels like we're not done for good (I have a strong gut feeling he is the one, and he said that too at one point) and this is only temporary, but another part of me says to let go. I hope this passes soon.

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