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Posts posted by Mark0909

  1. My boyfriend and I are in a bit of an argument. Ever since I purchased a digital camera, my bf complains that I use it too much. I enjoy taking nude pics of myself in various artistic poses. My bf claims that I get turned on in this solitary activity and in so doing deprives him of the pleasure that could be shared jointly. I am at home alone often and I enoy taking these pics alone. I shared the knowledge of my picture taking with him at first but every time I do he sulks that he was not a part of it. Now I try to hide the pics and deny taking any. He ends up searching thru my computer when I am out and inadvertingly finds the hidden pics. I do not believe I am doing anything wrong and I resent the fact that I can not do a enjoyable solitary endeavor without upsetting him. I further resent it that I am forced to hide something in my own home. We have been going out for almost two years and I thought everything was good until now. We are not officially living together but he is over here 95% of the time. Any advice or input would be appreciated. Mark

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