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Posts posted by lamergirl

  1. will someone please help? I dated a guy for 1.5 years. We are different. However, he loved me and was always super nice and patient while I was going through a lot. He put up with me and tolerated me treating him bad. The fact is, he is the only man that I truly was 100% honest and commited to my whole life. he is the only man that pleased me sexually and that I felt 100% comfortable with. Things change as we all know in relationships. We even went on vacation nov 16-21 and had a great time. When we returned we both had a lot going on in our lives and did not get the chance to see eachother tons but we still spoke several times a day. Things just drifted and we broke up. Not in a bad way it just kind of happened. he now wont call me, wont email me, wont see me and is now seeing someone else. i cant deal with this pain. I truly love him and am truly sorry for ever being mean and not loving him the way he loved me. I cant live without him and I am making myself physically sick and ill over this. I cant eat, I cant sleep..all I can do is think about him. he is going through his fathers death right now and i want to be there for him and his family. I want to be there to hold him and let him know that i care and that i love him. I need him, I crave him and I really just dont know what to do. This is affecting my life, my job and everything I do. I have never felt heartache like this. I am in love with this man and I know that he cares about me, but how can I get him to give me the benefit of the doubt and give me one last chance. I feel like my life doesnt matter unless he is in it. If someone felt this strongly about me and wanted to love me this way I would ofcourse give them that option. Will someone please help and tell me if there is anything I can do to make this work and make him come abck to me and give me another chance? Thank you so much!

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