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Posts posted by Bingo_JoneZ_07

  1. Thanx 4 y'all's help. And Thanx for saying I sound beautiful, but i think that if u saw me, u'd change ur mind. lol. I just moved 2 Tucson, AZ from Beaufort, SC. I have a friend coming to c me in the fall, and I'm going back to SC next Summer. So I have like a few months b4 I c one of my close friendz and just about a year b4 i c the rest of my homies.

    But thank y'all again.

  2. Hey,

    I have the same problem, but mine waz cause from ballet and lifting (cheerleading). Your problem maybe caused by the chair, or the way you sit (posture), or what muscles you uz. I over uzed my abs which caused flat back. You could be over uzing muscles or not using certain muscles enough. Try to go 2 specialist...orthopidicts (bones) iz a good place to start.

  3. I just moved to a new area, and left all my friendz I still keep in close contact with them. But like everytime I think about them or they tell me their problems...I eat...and when i get mad...I eat...when i get comfortable or happy...i eat.

    I'm a dancer and i weighed 118 b4 i moved now i weigh 128. I kno thats not a lot but its scary, i uzed 2 love going outside or doing something physical, now i just wanna sit in my room and eat, all the time! I've tried distraking myself w./ dance or workingout or music, but like right after i go 2 the kitchen , i don't even notice. Y am I eating and how do I stop eating food that I don't need 2?

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