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Posts posted by grosings83

  1. I meant for this to be a break. A break for you to focus on getting yourself together, to focus on your new job, because it was clear you were not in our relationship. You said you understood, it hurt to admit you couldn't give me what I deserved right now, you weren't upset or mad at me and you didn't want to walk away. You loved me, we'd make it, and I believed you. I believed all of it. I let you have your space and reached out to you before the break was up to tell you how I felt... that I missed you, that I wanted us to grow back together, and you never answered. The break is officially over and I guess we are too because all I've received from you is silence. It hurts. I know I shouldn't blame myself because I did absolutely everything I could, but sometimes, I feel guilty, like I abandoned you. But you are the one who abandoned me.

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