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Posts posted by lightinlantern

  1. 5 years relationship. 3 months and a half of breaking up, 5 weeks of NC. I met my ex again and we had wonderful time together. We decided to take things slow between us. We start talking again and plan to meet again. He is planning to fly to see me for a few weeks in my bd. Not fully in a relationship yet, he is still really careful about this. We both still need a big change. I will need to be better. Less needy and dependent. Our relationship is quite difficult as it is LDR for now. But after all this time he ended up telling me he is still in love with me and i know that. That's why i have never give up on this.

    I believe true love does not happen often in a life time. I will try my best before i let it go.

  2. My ex just broke up with me after 5 years serious relationship. And 8 years knowing each other. Long distance for one year but we meet every months as he flew to see me. And 3 years living together(he moved to be with me). He is the nicest guy in my life. We are very loyal couple and never really have major problems in relationship. But we have a lot of life problem lately as i need to move to his country in order to be together and the pressure is too much on him as he has lots of life issue going on so he broke up with me out of the blue...a bit more than a week before the date that i intended to move. He feel like our relationship has holding him back.

    After 1 month of begging from my side i went to NC for almost 6 weeks. He contacted me and we arrange to meet in person in the next few weeks...he's very stubborn and always stick with his decision and he seems to be really struggle with himself right now. Let's see how it goes. I can't wait to post here, hopefully. He said he miss me sometimes and he said that's normal. And he care about me still. Saying he will always be there for me when i am in need.


    here are some stories from other people...

    1. The guy left the girl after long term relationship of 6 years and she had to move out of his apartment and crying and clinging a lot. The guy said he does not want to spend his life with her because she is controlling and he feel suffocate. The girl is my close friend. She told me she still texting and calling him but a lot less after a few months they start to hang out again. Go to cinema and eat. But they both are dating someone else also. But the girl is still hoping to be together. And she said eventually after 7-8 months they got back together and she moved in with him again. Now they are still together. It's their 9 years anniversary lately. So when it happened to me she keeps tell me to relax if it's the case of space and you love each other a lot you just need time and patience. She said now they are better together coz she is less clingy and less controlling and he also treat her better.

    2. This one i don't know the detail much but it's the case of very long term relationship also. This couple has been together like forever...in their 9 years mark they broke up for a while. I knew that the woman had date some guys but not exclusive and the man travel to Australia. Now in their 13 years together. The woman is pregnant and expecting the baby in june. She also told me this when my ex dumped me that it can happen.

    3. This one is the case of the woman left the man of 8 years relationship bcoz she feel not "in love" with him anymore that happened last year around october. The guy was so broken heart. Now in january i see in fb that they started hanging out again and officially back together lately. Bcoz the girl came back.


    I am now somehow hoping that i will have one of these stories ... But my case is so difficult bcoz of our situation. But i really can't imagine myself with someone else but him. I just sent another long letter to him. I don't know if it will ruin the chance of our meeting. Bcoz he keeps telling me to move on. So let's see...

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