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Posts posted by prettycutie

  1. I know we didn't date that long but we knew each other for YEARS. You then proceed to only come into my life every so and so time when you're single? Well maybe more but still. Tha stings. I was so blind back in the day, not realizing you liked me...or did you? You then proceed to finally contact me after 2 years and ask me to be your girlfriend. I fell head over heals for you and you turned around and made it seem as if I was walking on hot lava rocks. It's still hard for me to move on and forget the (now that I look back) the lies of how you really liked me and how I was your "perfect" girlfriend. And how you'd always want to spend time with me every day and night. It's hard for me to believe any of that since you've left me blind and in the dust. I hope you are having a good life and if you're with a new girl I hope she treats you with SUCH respect you don't even rememeber that girl you knew 8 years ago. You left a scar in my heart that probably won't ever be mended. Or at least for a long time. I guess you never were or aren't who I thought you were. You're nothing but a 2 faced cowardly liar. I don't know if I can ever forgive you.

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