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Posts posted by WhoamI

  1. Thanks all for posting.. I been reading all your posts over again.. and been thinking a lot these days...And I have been talking more freely to my best friend about this stuff... And special thanks DiglyD for your post..


    Suddenly enotalone.com was down for a couple of days I am glad it came back..


    I would still like to hear a few thoughts on this issue..


    take care.

  2. Forgive me, for the long post. Be nice to me, since this is my first post



    I am 24yr old male and did my masters degree. I am involved with a very kind and wonderful girl. But, still i feel something is completely missing in my life. I need help !!


    I feel like there's no purpose to my life. Nothing interests me at all. I think, something interests me, and i get bored of it soon. I am utterly miserable inside. I just dont know what keeps me, being alive. I get so utterly confused about: how people are so happy pretty much all the time. I am several good friends and a few close friends. I have a few hobbies. But, this life seems so utterly miserable. I am confused as what am i doing with my life? I just dont know why i studied my masters and why i am working.. I dont know what i like.. Nothing interest me. And, I am wondering: Do anyone feel like this way? Emptiness surrounds me...


    I would be very happy, if someone replies my post. I would atleast feel acknowledged that i am not the only one.. like this..


    take care.

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