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Posts posted by quirkyandcute

  1. I've spent the last 3 weeks reading this thread so I thought it was time to contribute:


    A friend of a friend (Katie) was dating Matt for over a year when she broke up with him because of his immaturity and selfishness. They were 25 at the time, but he didn't seem to take the relationship very seriously - he would never consider her when making decisions, look out for his best interest first, etc. I don't know how bad this behaviour was, and can't give specific examples, but it got to a point where she wanted to break-up despite the fact that she still loved him. As far as I know, the split wasn't messy - they left each other on good terms and she initiated NC for over a year. She had moved on, dated other people and made herself a priority. She signed up for an exchange program that required her to live in Europe for 4 months. Before she left, she messaged everyone (Matt included) that she was leaving for Europe and her US number would no longer be in service. He panicked - he thought that she was leaving forever. The year they were apart, he worked on himself, adjusted his attitude, etc. While Katie was in Europe, Matt surprised her by showing up and begging her to take him back and she agreed.


    As she describes it, he was a changed man - the issues they had in the past completely disappeared. They have been living together for over 2 years now and she is expecting him to pop the question in the near future.


    Why I'm here (sort of on topic):


    My ex bf broke up with me because he doesn't want a relationship ATM. We've been on/off FWB/bf/gf for 1.5 years because of this issue. I initiated NC immediately after the break-up (2 months ago). I was devastated that I didn't hear from him, even during the holidays. In the last two weeks, he sent me 2 unnecessary e-mails. When I say unnecessary, I mean links to things/topics that we have talked about, but aren't really urgent or personal. I was starting to move on and was feeling better about the situation and all it took was an e-mail to send me back into does-he-miss-me? mode. Not sure what to make of any of this...

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