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Posts posted by countrygirl79

  1. Stupid Guy, I have a friend who's in your ex's situation. Maybe this will give you hope. She dated Greg in college, but he moved accross the country for med school. They agreed to take a break, but while he was away he slept with another girl. Greg and my friend ended the relationship- she refused to speak to him. I don't think she realized how painful it would be to hear him say he was with another woman. Anyway, she found a new boyfriend, they dated for almost three years and just recently broke up. Greg has sent her letters over the years, FRIENDLY letters, nothing stalker-ish or pressuring. She realized how much she loves him and they are back together, as he is moving back to the east coast. My point is that your ex needs time to heal and see if she's sure about you. If it's possible, remain friendly with her, no matter how much you're dying to tell her you're still in love. Hopefully she'll come around and realize you're the one for her. Good luck.

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