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Posts posted by anonymousone

  1. I am a female 18 years of age and i consider myself to be a very lucky person with a family that loves me and a best friend and other friends that i know care a lot about me. However i feel very guilty because despite these things all i feel is pessimistic about everything and i worry about a lot of things, about failing about being alone about evrything. One of the problems that only my family and my bst friend have experienced is that when i become angry, its like my entire personality changes and although i know i can control my anger i feel like i need to let it out to feel better or to let the people i love know how i am feeling. I dont get angry a lot but i let things build up and sometimes i turn stupid things into something major. When i do get angry i explode somethings hitting or punching, screaming and feeling burnt out inside I feel as though i want to grab on to who ever i am angry with and hurt them yet at the same time im screaming inside for them to hit me back and tell me to pull it together. When i do go into this angry state it often becomes a violent outburst in whic i hurt myself and others. I do not mean to hurt them. I dont know why i do it and i try hard to stop it from happening but i get so angry and i feel the need to relase the anger. I hate being alone in a room or at home and i am always trying to get away so that i am not alone. I feel lost and unsure of anything. I dont know what to do or how to make myself feel better Just need someones help ?

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