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Posts posted by hopefulandhurt

  1. i have a couple stories

    1) one of my best friends dated a guy for 2 years in college. she moved out of state in july after we graduated for grad school. he broke up with her because he didnt "believe" in long distance relationships. she was miserable, begged, pleaded, etc. he would talk to her, but wouldnt budge. she would try to go nc but would break down after 2-3 weeks every time. finally she realized she couldn't convince him, so she let it go. she stuck with nc for 6 weeks before he finally contacted her telling her he made the biggest mistake of his life. they got back together about 6 months after the initial break up.


    2) one of my roommates in college had been with her boyfriend for a year and a half and wanted some time to be "single" before we graduated. they were apart for about 2 months before she went back to him. they never lost contact.


    3) my own story. my ex boyfriend and i had been together since 15. we broke up freshmen year of college because of long distance over thanksgiving freshmen year. we had lc most of the year and got back together over the summer after that year. we stayed together for another 2 years and broke up again in the summer of 2013. we were broken up for 2 months but remained friends and then got back together. most recently we broke up 5 months ago. i think this time is for good as this is the only time we've really not had contact and it seems serious. all of our break ups i think were due to lack of experience, being young, growing pains, and GIGS on his side mostly. i have no idea what will happen now (we are no longer long distance), but i do think reconciliations can happen.


    i know a bunch more stories. i think breaking up and reconciling happens way more often than people make it out to. i think the key to it is just letting go and letting whatever is meant to be work itself out.

  2. I'm on day 19 and things are starting to look up for me. my ex and i broke up almost 5 months ago but i seemed to always make it through 2-4 weeks nc and then break down. my ex also always seems happy to hear from me and takes all my calls and texts and discusses anything i want which made it harder for me to keep nc. we broke up after dating 7 years (ages 15-22) because he wanted to see what else is out there. our break up was and is still so open ended. he consistently tells me he sees himself ending up with me one day but he needs a chance to date other girls to confirm I'm who he wants.


    i also read all those hot to get your ex back guides and in my opinion they're just no accurate. after 7 years, 30 days definitely isn't enough. plus my break up happened because my ex needed time to date others. I'm not saying I'm perfect but we had a great relationship and he chose to walk away. that was his choice. i don't want to "get him back" anymore. i heard he was seeing someone casually. we spoke 3 weeks ago and i told him i hoped he was happy but i was no ones back up option and I'm moving on with my life and the ball is in his court moving forward. it felt empowering. i used to have overwhelming urges to break nc but i don't anymore. he knows how to reach me if he has something he wants to say. if not i need to move on with my life and focus on me.


    nc is helping. I'm still sad and think of him often but I'm moving on. i know 19 days doesnt seem significant but i never even thought i would make it here! i refuse to break nc now and make myself look silly. onwards and upwards from here!

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