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Posts posted by keri

  1. just try and be understanding. it's really hard to stop. make things good for her. get deep with her, ask her why she is cutting herself. help her sort things out. if she cuts just because she is addicted, you should help her slowly stop. i don't like talking about it. but i just got into a deep conversation with my friend about it and i haven't cut for a whole week! i want to and i crave to cut, but i keep it in. when i do she trys to be understanding and talk to me everytime. just do the same

    sorry if i didn't really help i'm trying.

  2. hey i cut too, i don't like when my boyfriend looks at my cuts. but he does. he really cares about me. your boyfriend is probably just trying to be understanding. but he would most likely try to help you out. when ever i cut he cuts. it makes me sad to see him cut himself just because i did. just talk to him and if u dont like it just say your uncomfortable with it. you can talk to me more later just email me or anything

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