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Posts posted by emz87

  1. ''I don't understand why you've turned on me in such a hostile way but I guess it's something you have to do in order to help yourself move on. You seem to have convieniently forgotten why we broke up in the first place or that I forgave you for your humiliating actions and was really good to about it. I really don't care anymore what you think of me or our relationship because I know what I felt was real and I know deep down you do too. I know I didn't do anything to contribute us splitting and you do too. What you think no longer affects me and it doesn't/won't affect my life or any future relationships I have in any way. I wish you the very best in your life and I sincerely hope you stop being so destructive.''

  2. I don't know what I could ever say to you, you cheated in me and treated me like crap for so so long and I always gave you the benefit of the doubt. I was always there regardless. Not only did you cheat on me and break my heart but the many women you cheated on me with from single mothers ten years younger then me to prostitutes caused me to suffer a world if humus ruin as well. I don't understand why you destroyed something so good when you've never had a family in your life. If all had gone to plan we would be moving in together this month, thinking about our future our family plans, little Molly and Cameron, but now because you couldn't come to me when you needed too it's all gone. I wish I could say we could sort it out but your behaviour since I ended it has just blown me away, it's a new level of cruel that I never thought wouldve ever come out of you. I wish you could just once swallow your pride, take responsibility for your actions and just say sorry. I know I will in time be ok but for now I am broken, lost without you. You really were my whole world and if you'd just come to me and been honest instead of me having to find out, then maybe we'd at least still be civil. I miss you desperatly but I know you think you don't believe it. Infact I know deep down you never truly loved me at all.

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