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Posts posted by stevie

  1. I fell in love with my friend and i told her but she doesnt feel the same. We still go out together evry week and at the end of the night we kiss, and i love being with her cos she is funny and we make each other laugh and we talk all night, but it is painful because i want it to be more than this. I never thought i would feel like this and I am wondering whether I should stop seeing her but it would mean loosing a friend that I enjoy so much. What should I do

  2. thanks for your reply mermayd i know your right and i must respect her wishes. I am meeting with her tomorrow night at my local pub to give her the letter to tell her my feelings....hope it goes down ok, she says she will reply and give me an answer and tell me how she feels. To be honest i dont think its goin to be what i hope for, but that will be ok i suppose cos i am still glad to have met her and still want to be friends with her, you never know i could be wrong and it could all turn out great.

  3. I have fallen in love for the first time at the age of 22. I am male and the girl I have fallen for is 18 she is very beautiful. We have a really good friendship there is a definate connection, when we go out we kissbut she says thtat she doesnt want a full on relationship cos shes young and wants to do what she wants, she says i am the type of bloke who she would marry when shes a little older. I have told her how i feel and she has asked me to write it all down in a letter and has hinted that she has strong feelings too. its all very complex. should i tell her that we should stop seeing each other if we are not more than friends. this will hurt but what else can i do. Please help i need some advice. Cheers.

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