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Posts posted by allfalldown

  1. It's more than 2 weeks since you last tried to contact me. I won't reply.

    Through the small network we work in, i have found out you are not happy. I have found out you are looking to move away from this city.

    Grass wasn't greener after all, huh?


    Here's the thing. I'm not that bothered about you anymore. Well, that's not really true. You still come to my mind when i see or hear certain things. I still wonder how you are. I wonder about the dynamic between you and the vile specimen that ultimately freed me from your abusive clutches.

    People are seeing the real you now. I'm not there to counter it anymore. They saw it all those years ago and remained silent for my sake.

    You can carry on with your smoke and mirrors routine for as long as you feel it takes.

    But you will never be real.


    I'm exhausted. I still don't sleep much. Not for the same reasons anymore. Not because my mind won't rest trying to work out who you are cheating on me with this time. Not because i wonder what mood you will wake up in. Not because i have no money to get to work for the rest of the month because you spent it all.


    I don't sleep now because I'm processing the lessons learned from allowing someone like you to steal my soul. I'm trying to mentally arrange my free time and split it between all the people that have come back into my life since you left.


    So carry on with your facade. Carry on with your smear campaign against me. Carry on pretending that you are something you are not.


    To answer your question. The cat is doing just fine. She's eating properly again. She curls up on my lap when i read and she sits in the sink while i take a bath. She sleeps at the end of the bed while i toss and turn.

    I think she was in mourning for the two months you had her after you kicked me out.

    Cats mourn. Did you know that? I left as for work one day and never came back. How was she to know what had happened? I wish she could talk and share with all the lies she heard you tell the blonde about me.


    As for me; I'm doing good.

    Better than i was.

    I can't put my finger on when i turned the corner. I turned it and that's all that matters.

    Four months is not a long time given how long we were together. I'm told it takes years to get over the kind of emotional abuse I've been through.


    I know this. I will get over it.

    That's my focus. Healing the parts of me that allowed you to damage.


    As for you. You are well on your way to being a carbon copy of your mother. Good luck to anyone that you manage to draw into your web of lies and deceit.

    Remember, you said it yourself, i know you better than anyone.


    Save yourself any future need to contact me by knowing that me and the cat are doing just fine

  2. Why did you send me that text message yesterday?

    Is it not obvious that i don't want to hear from you?

    Could it be that your little world.is starting to unravel?


    I heard that your temper got you into trouble at work the other day. Is that your only outlet now that you have to be on your best behaviour with the blonde? That you have to keep up your charade of being the perfect woman at home?

    People are talking, you know. And not in a way you would like. People are starting to see the person you really are.


    You really want to know if I'm ok?


    Yes. I am.

    It will take years to undo the damage that you have done.

    But you can't damage me any more.

    So, in that respect, I'm doing great.


    Your real self is starting to show. The face you kept for me is becoming public.


    Carry on with your smear campaign against me while i maintain a dignified silence.


    Despite what you believe, it's not my reputation that is taking a battering.


    The blonde is just a carbon copy of you. You will either make or break each other.

    I've kept my promise to myself and to you. I'm working on making me better, dealing with my issues.

    You continue to escalate yours.

    And without me, you have nowhere to hide

  3. Thanks for the postcard from Barcelona.

    I know it was meant to hurt me and to a degree it has been successful.

    The memories we made together will take me time to process and separate so.that one day i may cherish them.

    I need to separate them.from the control and the nastiness and emotional abuse that also form a large.part of my memeories of you.


    It's refreshing to see that you can make new memories with the woman you cheated on me with and threw me out for.


    By showing you are taking her to all the places we went, you are proving nothing more to me than the fact that you will never change. You have nothing new to add to your repertoire.


    With time, these things you do will no.longer hurt me, and i will begin.to pity the new woman more and.more because i know what is in store for her after the shine and newness wears off.

  4. Every single person that i have reconnected with after years under your control has a similar tale to tell of your emotional and physical infidelity.

    So i am not paranoid. I am not a psycho. Everything that i believed was happening, was in fact happening.


    I don't believe you will ever change.

    I'm no longer bitter that it was you.that ended it. I don't even care that she's 18 years younger than me, tall, thin, blonde (bottle) bronzed ( remember your melanoma surgey last year) wealthy (daddy's money) and a bit of a local celebrity.

    Tell me again that you are not shallow

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