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Posts posted by sky09

  1. I always thought we were a different couple, and if times like these were upon us, things would be different as well. But they're not. We're going thru a classical breakup routine, as if we were programmed from birth (but most likely by societal norms) to do things that we are doing to each other right now. After this many years, I can sense a definite presence of lack of respect. If anything, we should have been able to be considerate and respectful of each other's boundaries right now, but we are not. I use "we" a lot here, as I am trying to avoid placing any blame, as I'm just as much at fault here. I hope we both learn from this experience, learn how to forgive and keep our faces. Time heals. Every time I feel better, we seem to find a way to run into each other and the clock starts over again. I know, I will see you again very soon. Maybe it will be one of the last times in a long while, I don't know. We still have some unfinished business to attend to. Hindsight is always 20/20.

    Until then, I wish you only the best. I hope you find happiness in this life, you just have to believe in yourself. I do.

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