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Posts posted by ngonzalz

  1. My first post!


    I'm on DAY 14 of NC. (July 9)


    In my eyes we had a wonderful relationship that was sadly cut short at 9 months. We connected on so many levels it was ridiculous(ly awesome). Similar interests, points in our lives/careers, humor, lifestyle, outlook on our futures... We built our relationship with a foundation of Openness and Honesty. Unfortunately, small things that I believed could be easily fixed, became justification for the BU.


    He explained in the beginning that he had a short fuse and could be completely unbearable at times (a problem he has been trying to overcome since childhood). I heard him loud and clear, accepted the fact right from the start, and prepared myself for the worst to come.


    He certainly delivered.


    As our relationship progressed, so did his fuse get shorter and expectations grow higher. I consider myself to be quite patient, but everyone has their limits. It became much easier for me to upset him. Simply put, the arguing became too much for him.


    Although I want to (and it would be easy to) blame his short fuse, I cannot. I believe there were many variables that led to the arguing. In retrospect, Timing could be to blame. There are things that each of us should have accomplished before really getting deep into the relationship.


    For me, the BU seemed out-of-the-blue, but I know he must have thought long and hard about it. It was as hard for me to accept as it was for him. I was lucky enough to be able to have one last conversation and one last heartfelt embrace before we parted ways.


    I miss him like crazy and it kills me that I haven't spoken, text, or heard his voice in so long, but I know if we were to ever have a chance again, we need to take care of ourselves first. I need to take care of MYself. Which is why I'm joining the NO CONTACT CHALLENGE!


    Best to you all!

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