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Posts posted by neb16

  1. i often turned to this forum (and many others) when i was trying to get my ex back and even trying to get over him. let me start off with i have gotten him back (two times) and i kinda had to get over him in order to that. me and my boyfriend have been dating for about three years. 9 months into it we kept fighting and being to mean to eachother and i even told him that i didnt think i loved him anymore. we broke up and a couple weeks later tried to do the whole "friend" thing.... didnt work. eventually he found another girl and they started dating for about two months. during that time i was a wreck! but i kept no contact until we slowly started talking again. then one night we decided to go see a movie together, (while he was still with the other girl) and about a week later he broke up with her and got back with me. it was hard at first but we worked it out. we then stayed together for another year and recently ended when i was in college. the distance was hard on both of us. we went from LC for a couple weeks, to NC for about 2 months and started talking again about 2 weeks ago. we talk almost everyday and have decided that my college years are the time for me to grow as a individual and his as well but since we still love eachother and the distance is the only problem we will most likely become officially "together" once i graduate. i know it seems weird but you just never know what can happen and my advice would be to have hope but also realize you can be with or without your ex. your happiness should never rely on them.

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