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John Jones

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Posts posted by John Jones

  1. Thanks for replying. Your advice is sound, and something I'll have to think very carefully about.


    One issue that's concerning me at the moment is, assuming I stay with Sara, do I tell her about the affair? I know for a fact that it would break her heart if she found out.


    So, is it better to try to forget the whole thing, or to confess everything?


    Thanks in advance.

  2. Okay, I just feel the need to vent to a bunch of complete strangers about this. Thank gawd for the internet, hey?


    Background - I'm a young male. A while back I moved to another city in order to start a job. Prior to this, I hadn't had a single relationship with a woman. So, not only a virgin, but inexperienced at absolutely everything.


    Starting the job, I met a woman whom I fancied. Smart, funny, sexy, she had everything. The only downside is that she's around fifteen years older than I am. Also, she doesn't seem interested.


    Well, turns out I was wrong. We get to be good friends, I go to her house one night, and, well... One things leads to another. And again another night. And again another night.


    I tell the woman (let's call her Lisa) that I think I'm falling in love with her. She tells me that we could never have a real relationship together, and that it was 'just sex'.


    I move on.


    I meet a wonderful girl of my age, we have a whirlwind romance, and get engaged. Unfortunately, this woman (let's call her Sara) had to leave me for a short while to go on a trip with friends. During her absense, what did I do?


    Yup. Slept with Lisa again. Three times.


    I know - I'm the lowest of the low.


    Sara's back now, and the wedding plans continue apace. She's claims to be totally in love with me, and says she's really happy now she's with me. And I'm happy, too - she's great.


    But why can't I stop thinking about Lisa?


    Lisa knows I'm engaged to this woman, and yet is willing to continue a sexual relationship with me. Heck, she's even expressed a willingness for us to have a 'proper' relationship (despite the age gap) if it weren't for Sara.


    Perhaps it's time to change jobs and leave the country.


    Advice would be most welcome.

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