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Posts posted by Brother

  1. Hello,


    I am new to this forum thing, but I am running out of ideas.


    I am the oldest of three children; 13, 13, and 16. My siblings are twins, as you might of guessed and here is where my problem comes in. My little brother is A.D.D., and A.D.H.D., and has some of the worst problems i have ever seen. When he was little because of his learning disibilities he failed at everything he did... School, sports, friends... life. Ever since then he has been to scared to commit him self to anything or put him self on the line for anyone. He is on adderal for his A.D.D., but 99.9% of the time he refuses to take it. I believe the thought of him needing somthing to function he hates. He is going to a private school that specializes in helping children with learning disibilities like his. The way he treats me and the other members of the family are disgusting. Constantly hitting and telling family members he hates them and he wishes they were dead. Cursing words that should never be let out of some ones mouth.

    The problem

    Me and my family love this kid more than anyone can imagine, but he makes it quite difficult. The pain and greif he causes this family are unimagineable. Basicaly no matter what we do for him it is never good enough, he is selfish and thinks of no one but him self. For example, I will give you the incident that happened which fired me up to post this plea. My mother who was in telecom during the big layoffs, she held a VP position in one of the fortune 500, and was sucessful beyond beliefe. But when downsizing came it was either move or take the package... so for the families sake she did. Now if you can imagine this is a woman who has been working since the second grade... she is lost without a job. But for the family she chose to quit. And now all she does is care for my little brother, and this is how she is repaid. My little brother is having a sports banquet at his school, were all the parents of all the children will be, this is a chance for my mom to actually eat a non home cooked meal, and get a chance to get all prettied up. When her and my brother arrive, he tells her that she isnt aloud to come to his banquet, he called her a worthless F*ckin B*tch, and that if she came in he would hate her for life. So for the hour and a half while all the other moms and dads ate dinner and watched there child get an award, my mother spent that time crying her eyes out, wondering what she had done... where had she gone wrong. Then after the banquet he came out to the car and told her she needed to stop crying, because she was an embarrassment, and that he was going to get ice cream with another kid and there family and she wasnt aloud to come. Honestly when she told me that story i wanted to kill him. She does so much for him and he treats her like his doormat. This is not the first time somthing like this has happened, this "phase" (what my parents call it) he has been going through for at least 3 years.


    I need help, some solution, any solution... as I watch my family become further and further torn apart by this child I dont know what to do.

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