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Posts posted by DaBoop

  1. How can I love you and want you still after knowing everything I know now?! You're passive aggressive, narcissistic, you left me for a 22 yr old girl!? You said you knew it was self destructive behavior, like you know already that your job and new relationship are out the window when it all goes down! You want me to hang out for you to fall on your face so I can be used to pull you back up again and for what??? So I can invest more in you?! Just for a couple good years again before you leave? You're scared to let me or anyone that cares about you in! I want to love you jerk! I want to count on you! And be there for you too! Why do I love you still? I'm frickin out of my mind!

  2. I dont want to want you after realizing that you were likely just passing time with me for the last 3 years. I know you grew to love and care for me. While part of me wants to see you fail at your current relationship so you will come back and I can have even your crumbs, I know I want more, you knew it too. I allowed you to overstep my boundaries. It hurts because I gave you my all and you turned your back on me and my son... I hope that one day you realize that I was what you were looking for in a life-time partner and you will find me and prove that you want to share the rest of your life with me. And I hope that IF/once you do, Im not in a place beyond your reach...

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