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Posts posted by YouCanDeleteThisAccount

  1. Remember me? Doubt it. I'm that guy you said you were in love with. Anyway, since you aren't the person I thought you were, I'm here because I've come to realize the person I wished you were never existed. Or at most only existed for a brief time. Today's your birthday and, of course, that was the first thing I thought of when I woke up. Happy birthday! Neither of us are likely to make first contact, but I'm here to say I still remember the us that should have never been. It was fun and I still haven't seen anyone I find as pretty as you. But I will. I'll always be greatful for the way you made me forget my ex wife, and I'll be more greatful to the next love that makes me forget you. For that, I should say thanks. I know she'll appreciate how much I'll appreciate her for it.


    It's interesting. You remind me of the ex wife in so many ways. Elequently deceptive, quick to move on, slow to compassion for my hurt, and likely not to ever apologize so I know you still care. But that's a good thing! The drug of what I thought was you, and your memories, have gone stale and I'm finally getting to the point I find them boring. Hopefully my addiction to your ghost will fade. I know this is bitter. I'm still hurt. However, I hope the real you knows someone who you assume hates you doesn't. At this moment, I think I still love you.


    Happy birthday georgous. Miss you.

  2. "Say Something". Such a stupid simplistic song. And somehow you gave it so much meaning that it rocks my world evertime I hear it now. Should have paid attention to my instincts when I heard it the first time. Should have stuck to my guns when you went to a softball game "alone". Should have known right away when you said, "All men cheat". I'll always be your what if.

  3. Interesting. Our first night together you kissed me with so much passion and said, "I hope this doesn't end as fast as it started". A year of talking marriage and then you throw me out using a post on social media. I guess you called that. Yesterday you pick up the last of your boxes in my garage and left without even a hello, thinking I'm the jerk because I want your stuff gone. Good riddens you self-centered, deceptive, cheating witch. I love you still. I wish I understood why.

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