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Posts posted by RaeBae004

  1. My boyfriend and I tried to have sex today...but when it came to it he went limp...I felt so bad but he said I didn't do anything wrong ...It was his first time atempting to have sex...Early before we tried to have sex I gave him a handjob and he got blue balls ...How many guys does the going limp thing happen to... Is there anything we can do about this..


    Please Help!

  2. Hey I have a couple things i would like to talk about and get advice about... *First off though please dont give me any of that bull**** that im too young* I'm here for straight facts and thats about it



    *First- I really want to pleasure my boyfriend(handjob, Blowjob) but he knows that im really shy about these things and im afraid i will do it wrong i need to know a way about going about these things and how and when to do them! You know?!

    *I was wondering that would it hurt a guy if you gave him head and a handjob in the same night?? Cause i know that if they wack off to much i guess it hurts but yeah i was just wondering!


    Well please answer my comments!

  3. Alright I really want to give my boyfriend a handjob and he was like doing stuff to me last night and he had a boner but i was too afraid to give him a handjob and i would just like to know how to really go down on him!

  4. Alright me and my boyfriend we supposed to hang out tonight and you know do stuff not have sex but fool around well i got my period and i was wondering if there is anything that i can do to get rid of it like speedy quick!

    And if not what are somethings we can do?


  5. Alright so me and my boyfriend have been going out for A week... and we made out of the first time today... and i have never kissed somone like made out with the before.... and so i didnt really know what i was doing and when his tongue was im my mouth i like sucked it lol i dont know how to describe it but i was embarresed and i think he was too... so i dont know how to make out and i would really like to know! i know its one of those things thats supposed to just happen but i need some help!

  6. Hey Everyone please help! Im afraid to have sex with my boyfriend! Im afraid of the pain! How do i know if my "cherry" is popped? Like i know you can to it froma tampon and everything but i dont know if mine is already! PLease help me

  7. Alright so I have Alot Of Questions! Please Answer All Of Them!


    *What does a girl do (like motion wise ) When shes having sex with a guy?


    *How do i take a guys pants off like when we are making out and im about to give him a handy?


    *How do I get this guy that asked me to have sex with him to find a time to have sex?

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