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Posts posted by duno

  1. even tho i am only 15 too, i agree with her... u wil most likely wished it never happened..... but there are other things to do bs sexual things... like do something with him that involves him to see another side of you.. like bungy jumping..or something like that.. you would be surprised to see how much you two can bond without sexual things being involved.

  2. i have braces...i kno it sux... but does it have an effect on giving head? has anyone ever done it or had it done? what about kissing?? i think its more the tongue than anything.. or am i wrong? tell me plez thanx a whole lot all who reply!!!

  3. ok here is the deal.. me and my bf have been going out for over a yr now .. but it is LONG distance..as in like 15 hrs away!!! but i fell in love with him last yr at this band camp and was dating him the whole while and never broke up.. but we never kissed!! i have never kissed anyone!! i want our first kiss to be perfect when i see him soon.. so what was ur perfect kiss? make-out or closed ..touchin or not.. stuff like that....oh and there is one more issue...i told him that i would have sex with him.. and would have him be my first...and i would be his too... but i haven't even kissed anyone yet!! and i do want to have sex with him.... i just.... HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO !!! PLEZ HELP ME!! I GET MORE INFO WHEN PEPS SHARE THERE OWN EXPERIENCES THANX A TON!!

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