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Posts posted by Mangiafuoco

  1. The reconciliation story of Love Bytes from LoveShack (link removed)



    Beginning of reconciliation?


    26th February 2013, 9:47 PM

    Ok, I won't go into all the relationship details, but my ex of 3 years ended things with me at the beginning of December. No big bombshells, just little things that I did that added up, a rough living situation, stresses...etc.,


    I never went NC. I went LC for a while, but we always talked a little, and actually met up in the middle of January just to hang out and see where we were at.


    Well lately we'd been talking more and more, and had a long talk till 3 AM Saturday night, where we both kind of laid it on the line.


    Took her out to dinner tonight, kept it light, then went back to her place and talked for a while. Discussed where we were at, and what we want...etc.,


    Well, she wants to start talking and hanging out more to workout the relationship. Says she's confident we can work everything out, and wants to get back together...but she wants to take it slow. Which is probably the smart approach.


    Of course I'm not getting overexcited or confident, but things are really looking like they may work out. I've been in plenty of failed relationships, and I've been thrown breadcrumbs before, but I think this is sincere.


    We'll see...I'll keep you guys posted.


    Thanks for all the support.


    12th March 2013, 9:32 AM


    Originally Posted by LadyAly View Post

    I really appreciate this post. I'm going through something similar and seeing how it's been working out for you is great! It gives me a little bit of hope. I hope things continue down the path that you wish and keep us posted!


    Things are getting better. Still a little awkward, almost like we're first dating again. Had dinner a couple weeks ago, went snowboarding last weekend, went to the movies Wednesday, and hung out and watched TV on Sunday. Heading over there tonight to hang out, and probably going out with her Friday too.


    It's still not back to where it needs to be yet, but I think it's headed in that direction. We're still discussing where things went wrong, and we both realize it, and feel that things have changed for the better...so we'll see...


    Thanks for the support LS!


    23rd June 2014, 7:57 PM


    Originally Posted by Skalabanan View Post

    Make sure you do keep us updated!

    As long as the issues that caused the initial breakup have been sorted you'll be golden.

    Just make sure you enjoy your time together, everything else will slot into place.


    Ok, big update...

    I'll keep this relatively short, but we've now lived together for 10 months, been engaged for a little over 4 months, bought a house in April, and just booked the hall for our wedding in June of 2015.


    So if it's worth it, and you didn't do something stupid (cheat, abuse...etc.,), sometimes there's still a chance...


    25 June 2014, 9:34AM

    She dated a guy when we were broken up. I let it run its course...we were broken up and she had every right to see whoever she wanted.


    We ended up broken up for a total of about 3 months, and it worked out. I stayed in light contact, and she knew I was there if she needed me and that was about it. That may or may not work for other situations though.

  2. It's only hard work when BOTH parties aren't on the same page! Patience? Nope, not if both want to get back together!


    I reconciled and it was EASY AS PIE. We were both still in love, both wanted to get back together, so with a single conversation IT HAPPENED.


    You only have to struggle.... and work.... and wait.... and worry..... and plot.... and scheme.... when YOU'RE the only one who really wants to get back together!


    Was so easy for your EX too? What i mean is this, if i'm not wrong, after your breakup you started dating others men. After this you realized that you was missing your ex. So back to him, got your single conversation and IT HAPPENED. Wow! But what about him? He wasn't patient with you? It seem to me yes (and lot of patience), you dumped him, you was dating other people (with a lot of fun as you stated, and i can't believe you was still in love with your ex when you was dating other men, simply you wasn't) for many months, and then, when you realized you was still missing him, you realized again your love for him, then you was back to him and he was still there waiting for you because, i think, he was still in love with you (i love to read this, also it sound to me a bit like a plan B that worked out).

    But i think it's important point out that your love for him wasn't always there, you lost it at the first after the breakup and you regained it after some months. And if he had not patience and had started a new relationship when you was away, your reconciliation with him would not have happened.

    I want to add also that the most wrong way to go back together is to make it with a "single conversation". This way of reconciliate almost always lead to a new breakup.

  3. A success story, by Kamila on Loveshack

    link removed


    It's not really about the ex coming back, it's about the ex making a decision and sticking to it.


    I have a friend that has broken up with her boyfriend because he didn't know what he wanted with her and their relationship.


    She broke up with him and kept low contact with him. She told me: "Never break contact with a man if you want a chance of getting back together..." That advice I never followed and my ex-bf never came back.


    So she kept low contact with her ex-bf for over a year, and he returned and asked her what she wanted. She said she wanted marriage and kids, nothing more, nothing less.


    Now, they are married for 2 years and have 2 kids. As far as I know, they are happy.

  4. Another success story, by beingawesome

    ( )


    Back Together

    Hey guys! I was on this site a few months ago trying to deal with my breakup, and I've returned with some good news! I hope this isn't premature, but I'm an only child and Thanksgiving is really boring for me, so I thought I might as well write up my reconciliation story. We broke up about 5 months ago for a multitude of reasons I won't really go into - he was the one who decided he wanted out and I tried my best to accept it gracefully. I went NC immediately, and we didn't have any contact for 4 months. I blocked him from gchat, facebook, instagram, basically anything and everything so I wouldn't be able to see what he was up to and so he couldn't see what I was doing. This was one of the best decisions I made, in my opinion, because I didn't hurt myself needlessly, and it gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted. Those bad days where I just stayed home and watched TV and drank? He would never know about those, for all he knew I was having a fabulous time!


    In those 4 months we were NC, I started "getting me back", as they say. I started doing yoga, meditating, and taking care of my body better. I accepted invitations to events and parties that I would have avoided prior and hung out with my friends more often. I eventually stopped coming to this site, because it felt like it was only helping me dwell on what I had lost. I got more spiritual, I tried my best to confront my fears and explore my negative patterns, and when I finally felt like I was strong enough I started dating again. Through all of this, I think I was able to get over my breakup, but I was never really able to get over my ex. I still always held a tiny hope that we could get back together, but I was also too afraid.


    So after 4 months I received some stuff in the mail for my ex. And since I was starting to date again and felt stronger, I decided to email him. It was very brief, and it was only about the mail. He responded a few days later, on what would have been our anniversary, with a very strange email that talked about that date, fate, and included an invitation to keep talking. I was actually very confused by it all but also a little hopeful. We exchanged a few emails, all friendly but kind of awkward, until I asked him straight up what his intention and motivation was for emailing me. His reply was that he just wanted to talk and keep the line open for conversation, which was nothing close to "I want to get back together". So I cut off communication again, because I didn't want to get my hopes up through fruitless chitchat.


    A week passed, and I tried my best to get over what I felt like was another rejection, when I was hit with another staggering blow. I had forgotten to delete his old messages in my facebook inbox and didn't realize that you could see profile pictures on them. So I was able to see that he had changed his to him with another girl. It hit me like a ton of bricks, I was beside myself with grief. And in my grief, I decided I just had to talk to him, if only so he could tell me the truth and hurt me so bad that I would never want to be with him again and that little hope in me would die. (This was actually a REALLY BAD IDEA, and clearly something born out of me not thinking clearly at all.) I called, no answer. My friends told me I should accept that as an answer and that there was nothing positive in those emails we had exchanged. I ignored them and called the next day and left a message. He called back, I didn't answer out of fear. And after a few more rounds of phone tag I finally got him on the phone.


    I was really nervous, didn't know what to say, and during that conversation he managed to both break my heart and give me hope at the same time. He confirmed that he was seeing someone new, but it didn't feel 100% right. And I could have left it at that, but I felt compelled to find out, maybe for the last time, if he felt like there was something still between us. He said yes. And from there it was a whirlwind of us talking about how we felt, the conclusions we had come to after we had been apart, and where we were going to go from here. I met him that night, but it was pretty much already decided from the moment we started talking on the phone. He broke it off with her the next day.


    This all happened about 5 days ago, so it's still very fresh, but it also feels very right. We never stopped loving each other, and after learning about his experiences, I would say that I actually handled my emotions after the breakup much better despite being the dumpee. He struggled a lot after the initial first month of happiness and freedom and began doubting his decision and missing me terribly. He wanted to talk to me but didn't reach out to me because he was afraid I hated him or had moved on, so he didn't want to come back into my life just to hurt me again. He searched all over the internet for me (so yay for all that blocking and hiding I did), and even went to places near my apartment hoping to see me. But most importantly, in the time we were apart, he really thought about how we had handled the relationship and how he was handling himself. And now that we've decided to try again, we've discussed our issues in the past openly and honestly but have agreed not to let them start as the foundation for our new relationship. I am ridiculously happy that we're back together, but I also feel the same as I did a week ago. I still feel like a whole, grounded person with my own interests and my own life, instead of one half of a relationship. And to me, that seems like a really good place to start!


    So, I'm sorry if this became really long and rambling....I haven't told my friends about it yet because we are just trying to figure things out just between us first, so I guess I just wanted to tell someone, anyone! The short version of all of this is: we both needed this time apart and even a breakup wasn't able to change how we felt about each other.

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  5. I found this: Baudilaire story ( )



    Here's my success

    I wanted to come forward with this story because I feel that it might be beneficial to someone else's journey. Also it links in with some of my previous posts in regard to this individual.


    So basically we dated for a few weeks. 6 of them, if my memory serves me well. I was devastated, I cried, I cried and I cried some more. He wasn't interested, there was no room for a second chance. You can look back on the story, I'll see if I can post the link to it. I came onto forums, there was a general consensus that I should move on, he's not serious etc etc. Of course I didn't want to hear this, so I continued to be sad. I did try and see if there was room for a reconciliation but I had no success. I did NC...I also became interested in the Law of Attraction, magic, praying,the works. It was desperate times...I had a vision board, made affirmations on my phone, cried some more, blamed God, got angry at the law of attraction. Nothing worked. So eventually, as will happen to all of us, I became less attached. I thought about him but not as much. I found peace, what happened next is literally a whole other story but in terms of him I was 'ok' with our situation. Let's say, we broke up in May of 2012...

    I don't remember how long I was sad for but it was a while.

    I don't recall who got in contact with who, more than likely it was me but it was around Christmas. I remember we had a little falling out over something but like I said, at this point my attachment to him wasn't the same as it used to be so I didn't care, I was just more annoyed. So on his birthday which is in Feb, I wrote on his wall to say Happy Birthday. We hadn't spoken since Christmas which was only a couple of texts at that.


    I'm going to skip a bit of the story and fast forward to this year. I was going through a break up with a different guy and so I decided to message my ex, I know it doesn't sound nice but I needed a distraction. Now he was being that guy I wanted him to be after the break up, he was opening up to me about everything. I never expected it from him but I guess when you know you've messed up you have to drop your guard and fight for that person.


    I spent valentines day with him, he took me out, sent flowers to my house and we went to the cinema. It was literally perfect. He wrote me a letter, just opened up 100%. It was nice but sad at the same time because it had taken him all that time to realise what he wanted. It took all that sadness and tears for him to do something he could have done back then.

    Now I don't know the answers as to how I got him back. I don't know if it was magic, the Law of Attraction, my vision boards (which I threw away before he came back out of frustration), the affirmations (which I also deleted from my phone before he came back). I literally have no idea. All I know is that a seemingly impossible situation became possible. Although my heart is not in the same place it used to be, I can be with him now if I choose to be. He's not a horrible guy, he's actually very nice, he just made a decision that hurt someone else. Despite the people who said it wasn't possible, it was and although I'm not an advocate for false hope, I really wanted to write this to let you know that it is actually possible even when it looks like it has no hope.





    And as promised, here are the links to the posts about him. Maybe reading through it there may be an answer in there somewhere. Although some of them may have none or one response, I just want whoever reads this to get a feel of what the relationship was like.








    P.S I apologise for my style of writing, it can be all over the place as you can see in the other posts, I just hope you can get something out of it


    'For with God, nothing shall be impossible' Luke 1:37

  6. My friend's boyfriend broke up with her for a period of 4 months, the first 2 months she went through severe depression. She had lost so much weight. After a while she realized that her current bf/then ex seemed to be happy, he wasn't starving himself, he wasn't going through depression so why should she?


    It was only when she completely let go that he came back! They had absolutely NO contact for 4 months.


    It seem to me that men come back more often than womens after a breakup.... would be nice to know if there is any statistic on this.

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